Data Quality Scorecard


The ultimate measure of data quality is business satisfaction, and only the business can define it.

Get a report showing the business’s evaluation of data quality so you can focus your improvement efforts to meet their needs.

Data quality scorecard

Improve Data Quality Now

Measure business satisfaction with data quality
Measure business satisfaction with data quality

See the big picture with an Overall Data Quality Scorecard

Get business leader assessments against 9 dimensions of data quality

Uncover opportunities by system and department

Identify and address unmet needs now
Identify and address unmet needs now

Opportunities to improve business processes with data often go unidentified

Identify the most important & error-prone fields identified by the business

Work with your key stakeholders to ensure they are satisfied

Schedule and deliver training immediately
Schedule and deliver training immediately

Untrained consumers of data create more data quality issues

Get a list of leaders and teams requiring training and what they need help with most

Deliver focused training that will deliver the most value